Saturday, 24 March 2007

The New Boards...


Rendered with maya software. The second one with raytracing.

What makes a VR look good? Nice textures, bump maps, baked textures. I assume. Now, how hard or easy is that?

I suck. I screwed it I know.
My spirits are low, I'm feeling miserable here. All these are making me miserable. Can anyone help me??...


fuad mddin said...

colorful! mood dia dull sikit, tapi arrangment lawa dah.

just an opinion :)

Jennifer Lai said...

Heyya, thanks. Didn't actually get the effect I want. Rendering skill still very low. Guess will be needing ur help again for baking. =P If u dun mind.

fuad mddin said...

sure. :) i'll help what i can la.

paliahan said...

play with lighting if u plan to use raytracing. sometimes a normal scene i use 3-4 lights. each with different settings

Jennifer Lai said...

The first one has 2 lights, the second one, one. Don't really knwo how to get the ambience, balance and shadows effects from it. Often seem too bright or too dark.