Thursday, 28 December 2006

FYP: Posting 1 - Project Brief and Pre Concept Billboard

This would be the first "episode" of log for my VR Final Year Project work, for sharing and critique, so feel free to do so. Even though its the end of the second sem already. I know. But anyway, this will begin with the final presentation of the semester. Requirements:

- A1 Board Research- Environment & Context
- A1 Board Ideation - Character & Interaction
(Project title, 1 major, minor, subminor, name, id)
- Pre-Concept Billboard - VRML, print screens.

To be honest, I'm tired, and i think my work's gonna suck. I hardly know how to use the cosmo world. And i still have no idea what bench mark am I gonna use. So how? Where do I go from here?

Well, till next time, I'm checking out ....for now. Be back soon...hopefully...

Project Brief:

Category: Entertainment

Description: Role playing exploration

Problem Statement:

Childhood has been known as the time of wonderment, of innocence and dependence. Sometimes, adults wish to go back to being a child again. But most of the time, we forgot what is it like being a child, a young kid, a toddler, an infant. For most people, it is hard for them to imagine being a baby again and it is quite impossible to regain the experience of it.

With virtual reality, users can now view from the perspective of a baby again. To experience the limitations of it, such as the lack of height, energy, language skills, motor skills, as well as restrictions imposed by caregivers, such as being locked up in a crib. User can also experience what they see as a baby, with everything is so much larger, and not understanding what people say.

This is useful not only as a form of entertainment and get-away experience, but also for research purposes, such as for child care techniques and child accident prevention systems.

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