Saturday, 17 February 2007

Method Board 3: Final

Presenting my finalised method board...

So, I have added colours to the scene and cleaned up the lines. I think its so clean its almost vectorish... Then I start wondering why I painted in the first place. Ahem, but nevermind. So umm...there it is. My final one. I think I like how it turned out, though not perfect. And guess its beter this way. Like it? not? Comments welcome.

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Method Board: 2; Critique

Progressing on to the the following day, we have our critque session and my hours of painting resulted in this.

They commented that I should add some colour to the child area, which is the foreground and also to correct my perspective. So umm...more painting to go for next Tuesday's submission (Tuesday right?). Oh, and one thing, I think all of you guys should watermark your images if you are to upload it here on the net. There are lotsa art thieves around. You never know who will take yours and do whatever with it. Well its not like totally preventable, but at least makes the process abit harder for them. So, cheers to all my fellows who made it thus far.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Method Board: Work In Progress 1

For the latest method board submission, I'm still currently working on A3 size at 300 DPI. Gosh, its hard enough on A2, I wonder what am I supposed to do to enhance it in A1. (Can't my graphic card help me? I have no clue.)

Anyway, here's my first method board, that I consulted Pn. Seri with. A combination of painting and photos. Very raw and inappropriate, I agree. She commented about the composition. I showed her another rough sketch of mine and she preferred that positioning and adviced that I add in the baby girl into the picture as well, instead of focusing on teddy bear.

So I painted a new one from scratch, based on that rough sketch I had.

As of 05:05 pm, this is my level of progress.

The aim is to capture night lighting and atmosphere. There is supposed to be a night light on the bed-side table as well as some light from the outside of the room, to be reflected on the hallway and the lady here. Strange how it look more brownish in photoshop and so jet black in here. Still very raw though. But right now, I wanna go for some shooting action. Be back with more.

In the mean time, some sneak peek onto my environmental modelling.

Just the apartment block itself. Not much. Realised that there were a few mistakes. Gotta fix it after I'm done with the method board. Later.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Part 2: Execution.

I started a little of modelling during the holidays. Very little. :p

Milk bottle, 85 poly.

Iron, 42 poly.

Ironing board, 26 poly.

But apparently, we're not that quick into execution yet. So we have to come out with some method board:

Well this version has been rejected, but I decided to post it up here just for fun. Happy photoshopping, people...